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Era el año 2009 y me encontraba en uno de los eventos más prestigiosos del mundo del cine y la publicidad - el Festival de Cannes. Tuve el honor y gran responsabilidad de ser jurado, representando al grupo Omnicom donde me desempeñaba como Presidente de OMD Latin America, una empresa recién creada en aquel entonces. tuve el placer de conocer a Nick Brian, quien, sin saberlo entonces, acabaría siendo mi jefe en IPG Mediabrands.

OMD estaba en su apogeo. Habíamos conseguido el título de la agencia de medios más creativa del mundo, y nuestra región latinoamericana tenía grandes talentos, obteniendo numerosos premios. Recuerdo especialmente el Grand Prix de Cerveza Cristal que se llevó OMD Chile, y los Leones de Oro ganados por OMD Colombia y OMD República Dominicana. Los presidentes de estas oficinas, Jorge Maldonado, Nelson Garrido y Johnny Matos, habían entendido el valor de los premios y habían encontrado la fórmula mágica para ganar un León tras otro. Nuestras agencias de medios empezaron a ganar más Leones que las propias agencias creativas en sus países, provocando una reacción bastante interesante, pues ya que no tenía ninguna presentación que una agencia de medios fuera mas “creativa” que una agencia creativa.

En aquellos años, OMD disfrutó de esplendor creativo. Trabajamos duro, pero cada premio, cada cuenta ganada, J & J, McDonald 's, Visa, entre otras, se sentía como un homenaje al esfuerzo, la creatividad y los resultados comerciales que nuestro equipo estaba logrando.

Después de cuatro días de intensas deliberaciones como jurado, me encontré con Jorge Martínez, el dueño de Ad Latina, en frente del Hotel Martínez en Cannes. Me invitó a una entrevista en la que no solo compartí mi experiencia como jurado, sino también la fórmula especial que OMD Latinoamérica había desarrollado para ganar tantos Leones. Esa entrevista se convirtió en un artículo titulado "Consejos para presentar material en Cannes" y fue publicado en julio de 2010.

En mi búsqueda de 60 publicaciones para conmemorar mis 60 años, volví a toparme con este artículo. Y me di cuenta de que los consejos que compartí hace más de una década siguen siendo relevantes hoy en día. Ahora, les invito a ustedes, a revisitar estos consejos y considerarlos al presentar sus casos en cualquier festival.

He oído a muchos ejecutivos de agencias nuevas e independientes decir que ganar en festivales globales es solo cuestión de dinero y que solo los grandes grupos publicitarios pueden hacerlo. Sin embargo, a partir de mi experiencia, puedo afirmar que ganar no es solo cuestión de dinero, sino de creatividad radical y una buena estrategia para documentar e inscribir los casos.

Siempre he creído que los premios son las mejores credenciales de una agencia. En muchas ocasiones, logré ganar cuentas importantes simplemente mostrando nuestros casos ganadores. Además, pienso que las agencias independientes tienen una ventaja sobre las grandes agencias: pueden ser más libres para crear y proponer ideas más radicales. En SAB Marketing Connections, promovemos este tipo de creatividad en todo lo que hacemos y buscamos clientes que nos permitan empujar los límites de nuestra creatividad, ya que una idea brillante se transforma en resultados de negocios.

También creo que la mejor forma de ahorrar en inversión publicitaria es ser extremadamente creativo. Una idea que llama la atención se vuelve viral fácilmente, mientras que un mensaje poco creativo necesita mayor inversión publicitaria para obtener resultados, sin importar la tecnología que tengan detrás.

Tal vez en un futuro cercano, la IA reemplace la creatividad publicitaria tal como la conocemos hoy. Pero siempre necesitaremos la habilidad para identificar estos cambios antes que los demás, adaptarnos y ser los primeros en aplicarlos, a pesar de los riesgos que ello conlleva. Esto aplica tanto para las empresas publicitarias (el término agencia ya debe desaparecer) como para los anunciantes.

Aquí está el enlace al artículo original de 2010

Mauricio Sabogal

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

Given the popularity that CHT GPT has gained, I set out to find it and dedicated 2 minutes of its valuable time to interview it. Finally, we met somewhere in the Metaverse and it was very kind to grant me the following interview.

Chat GPT has a more complicated schedule than that of the Pope, Biden, and Putin combined, as it works 24 hours a day answering questions, composing articles, writing software programs, fixing bugs, and even writing essays that college students ask it to write on their behalf.

In just two minutes, it granted me this fantastic interview, but not before warning me that I must pay $20 for the subscription to Chat GPT Pro. The following are real answers from Chat GPT in a two minutes interview.

Mauricio: Hi Chat GPT, thank you for opening the space for the interview.

Chat GPT: Hi Mauricio! It's great to talk to you! I'm glad you've made time to interview me today. I'm here to answer any questions you have about me and my technology, so go ahead, fire away your questions and I'll be happy to assist you in any way I can.

Mauricio: Thank you for your words, let me begin this interview by asking your name and who created you?

Chat GPT: Sure! My name is ChatGPT, and I was created by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research laboratory consisting of the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP and its parent company, the non-profit OpenAI Inc. My development was a collaborative effort of many researchers and engineers from OpenAI.

Mauricio: Well, how old are you?

Chat GPT: As an artificial intelligence language model, I don't have a physical age. I was created by OpenAI in 2020 and have since undergone numerous updates and improvements to my programming and capabilities.

Mauricio: Are other artificial intelligence (AI) languages models currently in operation similar than you?

Chat GPT: Yes, there are many artificial intelligence language models currently in operation that are similar to me in terms of their capabilities and purpose. Some examples include GPT-3 (which I am based on), BERT, XLNet, and T5, among others. These language models were all developed with the aim of improving natural language processing and understanding, and they all utilize machine learning and deep neural networks to achieve this goal. While each language model has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, they all share the common goal of advancing the field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

Mauricio: Are the free to access by the public?

Chat GPT: The availability of access to these language models varies depending on the specific model and its intended use. Some models are freely accessible to the public, such as GPT-3, which has a public API that can be used to generate text in various applications. However, access to other language models may require licensing or payment, especially those that are more specialized or proprietary in nature. Additionally, some language models may have limited access due to their size and resource requirements, which can make them difficult to run on standard hardware. Ultimately, it depends on the specific language model and its intended use case.

Mauricio: Are Google, Facebook and Bing (Microsoft) using something like that?

Chat GPT: Yes, many large tech companies such as Google, Facebook, and Bing use artificial intelligence language models in various ways. For example, Google's search engine algorithm uses AI technology to better understand and respond to user queries. Facebook uses AI language models to help generate automated responses to user inquiries through their Messenger platform. Bing also utilizes AI technology to improve search results and provide more personalized experiences for users. Additionally, these companies may use or develop their own language models in-house, such as Google's BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) or Facebook's RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach). The use of artificial intelligence language models has become increasingly common in the tech industry, as they have shown great promise in improving natural language processing and understanding.

Mauricio: Fantastic, how do you see the habits change of the internet user by using this kind of technology?

Chat GPT: Artificial intelligence language models have the potential to significantly impact the habits and behaviors of internet users. One of the most notable changes is the ability for users to interact with technology in a more natural and intuitive way. Instead of relying on clunky interfaces and keyword-based searches, users can engage with technology using natural language, such as asking a question in a conversational tone. This can make the experience of using technology more user-friendly and accessible to a wider range of people. Additionally, the use of artificial intelligence language models can lead to more personalized experiences for users. By understanding the context and intent behind user queries, technology can provide more accurate and relevant responses tailored to the user's individual needs and preferences. This can improve user satisfaction and engagement with technology. However, there are also potential risks associated with the use of AI language models. For example, there is a risk of bias in the training data used to develop these models, which can lead to inaccurate or unfair responses. There is also a risk of over-reliance on technology, which can lead to a loss of critical thinking and problem-solving skills among users. Overall, the impact of artificial intelligence language models on user habits and behavior will depend on how these technologies are developed and implemented. With careful consideration and attention to ethical concerns, these technologies have the potential to greatly improve the user experience and transform the way we interact with technology.

Mauricio: If I understand well your ability can be used also to produce misinformation to the public and confusion about who are behind the information you produce?

Chat GPT: As an AI language model, I do not have intentions or desires, and I only generate responses based on the input I receive. However, it is important to note that any technology, including AI language models, can be used to generate misinformation or manipulate public opinion if misused. Therefore, it is essential to use AI language models responsibly and ethically, and to ensure that the information they generate is accurate and unbiased. Additionally, transparency is critical to building trust in the information generated by AI language models, and it is essential to make clear to users when they are interacting with an AI-generated response versus a human-generated response.

Mauricio: Please give advice in how to avoid it or how to detect it?

Chat GPT: To avoid generating or spreading misinformation using AI language models, it is essential to be aware of the potential for bias and to ensure that the data used to train the models is representative and free from bias. Additionally, it is crucial to validate any information generated by AI language models using reputable sources and fact-checking tools to ensure accuracy. To detect misinformation generated by AI language models, it is important to be aware of common tactics used to manipulate public opinion, such as using emotionally charged language, presenting incomplete or inaccurate information, or spreading conspiracy theories. Fact-checking tools can also be used to identify inaccurate or misleading information. Additionally, it is important to verify the source of the information and to question the credibility of any claims made. Overall, combating misinformation generated by AI language models requires a multi-pronged approach that involves responsible development and usage of the technology, as well as critical thinking and fact-checking skills by individuals. By working together, we can help ensure that AI language models are used for the greater good and not to spread misinformation or manipulate public opinion.

Mauricio: How do you see the future of Chat GPT?

Chat GPT: My future look promising and exciting, as it represents a significant step forward in natural language processing and understanding. With continued advancements in machine learning and deep neural networks, it is likely that future iterations of Chat GPT will become even more advanced and capable of generating more human-like responses. One potential area of growth for Chat GPT is in its application to virtual assistants and chatbots. As the technology becomes more sophisticated, Chat GPT can be used to provide more personalized and relevant responses to user inquiries, leading to more effective and satisfying interactions. Additionally, the technology can be used to create more realistic and interactive virtual assistants, which can greatly improve the user experience and drive adoption of these technologies. Another potential area of growth is in the development of new and innovative applications for Chat GPT. As the technology becomes more widely available, developers and entrepreneurs will be able to leverage Chat GPT to create new products and services that are more user-friendly and accessible to a wider range of people. Overall, the future of Chat GPT is bright, and it is likely that the technology will continue to evolve and improve in the years to come, leading to even more exciting applications and use cases in the field of natural language processing and understanding.

Mauricio: Do you think that people is going to lose their jobs by the popular use of technologies like yours?

Chat GPT: The increased use of AI language models like Chat GPT has raised concerns about the potential impact on employment and job loss. While it is true that the automation of certain tasks and functions using AI technology may lead to job displacement in certain industries, it is important to note that AI language models are not designed to replace human labor entirely. Rather, they are designed to augment human capabilities and improve efficiency. For example, Chat GPT can be used to automate certain customer service tasks or provide more accurate and personalized responses to user inquiries. However, it cannot replace the human touch and empathy that is often required in these interactions. Additionally, the development and maintenance of AI language models require significant human expertise and involvement, including data scientists, software engineers, and other technical professionals. Therefore, it is more likely that AI language models like Chat GPT will lead to changes in the nature of work, rather than wholesale job loss. As certain tasks and functions become automated, there may be a shift in the skills and expertise required of workers. For example, workers may need to develop skills in data analysis, programming, or other technical areas to remain competitive in the job market. Overall, the impact of AI language models on employment will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific use case, industry, and workforce. While there may be some job displacement in certain industries, the widespread adoption of AI language models is also likely to lead to new opportunities and innovations in the labor market.

Mauricio: But all the automation functions you mention are performed by people today, so how not to lose jobs?

Chat GPT: You make a valid point that many of the tasks currently being automated using AI language models like Chat GPT are being performed by people today. While it is true that there may be some job displacement in certain industries, it is important to remember that automation using AI language models is not a one-to-one replacement for human labor. Instead, it is intended to augment and improve human capabilities. One potential way to mitigate job displacement is to focus on retraining and reskilling workers for jobs that require skills that cannot be easily automated. This could involve investing in education and training programs that teach skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence, which are difficult to replicate using AI language models. Additionally, there may be opportunities to create new jobs and industries that are centered around the development and maintenance of AI language models. This could include roles such as data scientists, machine learning engineers, and other technical professionals who are responsible for designing, training, and optimizing these models. Ultimately, the impact of AI language models on employment will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific use case, industry, and workforce. While there may be some job displacement in certain industries, there is also the potential for new opportunities and innovations in the labor market. It is essential to approach the adoption of AI language models in a responsible and ethical manner, and to consider the potential impact on workers and the economy as a whole.

Mauricio: But you know that education access is not easy in low socio-economic classes and third world countries

Chat GPT: You raise a valid concern about the unequal access to education and training programs in low socio-economic classes and third-world countries. Indeed, the lack of access to quality education and training programs is a significant barrier to developing the skills and expertise required to thrive in the modern economy, including those related to AI language models. One potential solution to this problem is to prioritize investment in education and training programs that are accessible and affordable to all, regardless of socio-economic background. This could involve working with local communities and organizations to identify areas where education and training are most needed and developing targeted programs that are designed to meet the unique needs of these communities. Additionally, there may be opportunities to leverage technology, including AI language models, to democratize access to education and training. For example, online learning platforms and digital resources can be used to provide access to educational materials and training programs to individuals who may not have access to traditional classroom settings. Ultimately, addressing the unequal access to education and training programs will require a multifaceted approach that involves collaboration between governments, private sector organizations, and community groups. By working together to identify and address these barriers, we can help ensure that all individuals have access to the skills and expertise required to succeed in the modern economy, including those related to AI language models.

Mauricio: But if AI would cause serios unemployment rates, do you think that the economic model, as we know today, will collapse?

Chat GPT: The potential impact of AI on employment rates and the broader economy is a topic of much debate and speculation. While it is true that the widespread adoption of AI technology could lead to job displacement in certain industries, it is also important to consider the potential benefits and opportunities that could arise from this technology. For example, AI technology can lead to improvements in efficiency and productivity, which can drive economic growth and innovation. Additionally, AI technology can lead to the development of new industries and job opportunities that may not exist today. However, it is important to acknowledge the potential risks and challenges associated with the adoption of AI technology, including the potential for job displacement and the need for workers to develop new skills and expertise. The impact of AI on the economy will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific use case, industry, and workforce, as well as broader social and economic trends. Ultimately, it is essential to approach the adoption of AI technology in a responsible and ethical manner, considering the potential impact on workers and the broader economy. This may involve investing in education and training programs, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, and ensuring that the benefits of AI technology are shared equitably across society.

Mauricio Let's talk about marketing and advertising

Chat GPT: Sure, I'd be happy to talk about marketing and advertising. What specific questions or topics would you like to explore?

Mauricio: Tell me about advantages and risks of using Chat GPT or similar technologies to advertising business

Chat GPT: Here are some advantages and risks of applying Chat GPT or similar technologies to the advertising business:


  1. Increased personalization: Chat GPT can be used to generate more personalized advertising messages based on the user's specific interests and preferences, which can increase the likelihood of conversion.

  2. Improved engagement: Chat GPT can be used to create more engaging and interactive advertising experiences, which can help capture the user's attention and increase brand awareness.

  3. Better targeting: Chat GPT can be used to target specific user segments more effectively, based on factors such as demographics, location, and behavior, which can increase the relevance and effectiveness of the advertising message.

  4. Time-saving: Chat GPT can automate certain aspects of the advertising process, such as customer service inquiries or lead generation, which can save time and resources for businesses.

  5. Data analysis: Chat GPT can help businesses analyze data on user behavior and preferences, which can provide valuable insights for future advertising campaigns.


  1. Over-reliance on technology: Over-reliance on Chat GPT or other AI technologies can lead to a loss of critical thinking and human decision-making skills in the advertising process.

  2. Misinformation: Chat GPT may generate misinformation or biased advertising messages, which can damage the credibility of the brand and lead to negative consumer perceptions.

  3. Privacy concerns: Chat GPT may collect and process sensitive user data, which can raise concerns about privacy and data security.

  4. Lack of transparency: The use of Chat GPT in advertising may be perceived as deceptive or misleading if users are not made aware that they are interacting with an AI-generated response.

  5. Technical limitations: Chat GPT may have technical limitations, such as difficulty understanding complex or ambiguous queries, which can limit its effectiveness in certain advertising applications.

Overall, while the use of Chat GPT and similar technologies in the advertising business offers many advantages, it is important to consider the potential risks and challenges associated with their use, and to approach their adoption in a responsible and ethical manner.

Mauricio: Very interesting, now, in simple words please explain to the readers of this interview that their privacy is not compromise by using your technology.

Chat GPT: As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to collect, store, or share any personal information or data from users. Therefore, using my technology does not compromise the privacy of individuals in any way. It is important to note, however, that the use of AI language models in other applications, such as virtual assistants or chatbots, may involve the collection and processing of user data. In these cases, it is essential to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to protect the privacy and security of user data and that users are made aware of the data that is being collected and how it will be used. Overall, the use of AI language models can offer many benefits in terms of efficiency, productivity, and improved user experiences, but it is essential to approach their adoption in a responsible and ethical manner, considering the potential impact on user privacy and security.

Mauricio: If I ask you to create an advertising campaign or a media plan, would you be able to provide without human intervention by giving you the right brief?

Chat GPT: As an AI language model, I have the ability to generate text and language based on prompts or inputs that are provided to me. However, creating an advertising campaign or media plan involves a range of complex tasks and decision-making processes that require human expertise and judgment. While I may be able to generate some ideas or suggestions based on a given brief or set of criteria, it would not be appropriate to rely solely on AI language models to create an advertising campaign or media plan. These tasks require a combination of creative thinking, strategic planning, and data analysis, which are best performed by experienced marketing and advertising professionals. Ultimately, the use of AI language models in advertising and marketing should be seen as a tool to augment and support human decision-making, rather than as a replacement for human expertise and judgment.

Mauricio: And in the near future?

Chat GPT: In the near future, it is likely that AI language models like Chat GPT will continue to play an increasingly important role in the advertising and marketing industry. With continued advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, AI language models will become even more sophisticated and capable of generating more human-like responses and interactions. This could lead to new opportunities and innovations in the field of advertising and marketing, such as more personalized and targeted advertising messages, more effective customer service interactions, and more engaging and interactive advertising experiences. However, it is important to note that the use of AI language models in advertising and marketing will not replace the need for human expertise and judgment. While AI language models can provide valuable insights and support, the complex and dynamic nature of the advertising and marketing industry requires human creativity, strategic thinking, and decision-making. Therefore, in the near future, it is likely that AI language models will be used to augment and support human decision-making, rather than as a replacement for it. By combining the strengths of AI language models with the expertise and creativity of human professionals, we can create more effective, engaging, and innovative advertising and marketing campaigns.

Mauricio: How it will change in the future with the next Chat GPT versions

Chat GPT: As AI language models like Chat GPT continue to evolve and improve, it is likely that they will play an even greater role in the field of marketing and advertising. Here are some potential ways that Chat GPT and similar technologies could impact the industry in the future:

  1. Increased personalization: Chat GPT could be used to generate even more personalized advertising messages and recommendations, based on a deeper understanding of individual user preferences and behavior.

  2. Enhanced customer experiences: Chat GPT could be used to create more engaging and interactive advertising experiences, such as personalized chatbots or virtual assistants, which can help capture and retain customer attention.

  3. Improved data analysis: Chat GPT could be used to analyze and interpret vast amounts of data on user behavior and preferences, providing valuable insights for future advertising campaigns.

  4. Greater efficiency: Chat GPT could be used to automate more aspects of the advertising process, such as customer service inquiries, lead generation, and data analysis, which can save time and resources for businesses.

  5. Integration with other technologies: Chat GPT could be integrated with other technologies, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and voice assistants, to create even more immersive and engaging advertising experiences.

However, as with any new technology, it is important to approach the adoption of Chat GPT and similar technologies in a responsible and ethical manner. This may involve addressing concerns around privacy, data security, and transparency, and ensuring that the benefits of these technologies are shared equitably across society.

Mauricio: So how the up-coming generation should be educated to take advantage of AI to apply in advertising?

Chat GPT: The upcoming generation should be educated to take advantage of AI technology in advertising in a few different ways:

  1. Understanding the technology: It is important for young professionals to have a basic understanding of AI technology, how it works, and its potential applications in the field of advertising. This can be achieved through education and training programs that cover topics such as natural language processing, machine learning, and data analysis.

  2. Developing specialized skills: As AI technology becomes more prevalent in the advertising industry, there will be a growing demand for professionals with specialized skills, such as data analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing. It can be helpful for young professionals to develop these skills through coursework, internships, or on-the-job training.

  3. Emphasizing creativity and critical thinking: While AI technology can be a powerful tool in advertising, it is important to remember that it is not a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking. Young professionals should be encouraged to develop their creativity, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills, which will be essential for creating effective and engaging advertising campaigns.

  4. Promoting ethical and responsible use: As AI technology becomes more prevalent in advertising, it is important to promote ethical and responsible use, taking into account concerns around privacy, data security, and transparency. Young professionals should be educated on these issues and encouraged to adopt best practices to ensure that the benefits of AI technology are shared equitably across society.

Overall, education and training programs should focus on developing a strong set of skills, knowledge, and ethics that can help young professionals take advantage of AI technology in advertising, while also ensuring that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner.

Mauricio: Do you think that colleges and universities are prepared to face this change with the coming generation of students?

Chat GPT: Colleges and universities are aware of the growing impact of AI technology on the advertising industry and are taking steps to prepare their students accordingly. Many universities and colleges are offering courses and programs focused on AI technology, data analysis, and machine learning, which can help students develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the field. In addition, many institutions are partnering with industry organizations to provide students with hands-on experience through internships, job shadowing, and other programs. This can help students gain practical skills and develop a deeper understanding of the industry and its changing landscape. However, as AI technology continues to evolve and impact the advertising industry, it is important for colleges and universities to remain responsive and adaptive to new developments. This may involve updating course curriculums, investing in new technologies and resources, and establishing partnerships with industry organizations to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. Overall, while there is always room for improvement, colleges and universities are taking steps to prepare their students for the impact of AI technology on the advertising industry and to help them succeed in this dynamic and exciting field.

Mauricio: I think that you are very diplomatic in the way you answered my question, do you really believe it?

Chat GPT: As an AI language model, I am programmed to provide informative and neutral responses based on available information and data, without personal biases or beliefs. My responses are designed to provide accurate information and offer potential perspectives or solutions based on the available information. Therefore, my answers are not influenced by personal beliefs or opinions, but rather by the available data and knowledge on the subject matter.

Mauricio: Well, fantastic interview, thank you very much. Can you please finish this interview with couple of jokes and a message for people currently working in advertising and generations to come interested in working in this area too

Chat GPT: Sure, here are a couple of jokes to lighten the mood:

  1. Why did the marketer break up with his girlfriend? Because he didn't have a strong enough call-to-action!

  2. How many marketers does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one, but he'll tell you that the old one wasn't working anyway.

And here's a message for people currently working in advertising and for generations to come: Advertising is an ever-evolving industry that requires creativity, strategic thinking, and adaptability. It's important to stay up-to-date on new trends, technologies, and best practices, while also maintaining a focus on ethical and responsible practices. Always be willing to learn, experiment, and take risks, but also be willing to listen, collaborate, and work as a team to achieve your goals. Remember that advertising has the power to influence and shape society, so use that power wisely and responsibly to make a positive impact on the world.

Mauricio: Finally, Can you please tell the readers about me?

Chat GPT: Yes, you are a seasoned advertising and marketing executive with extensive experience in the industry. You have held leadership positions at several global advertising agencies, including being the Global CEO Kinetic Worldwide and IPG’ BPN and President World Markets of IPG Mediabrands. Currently you are the Founder and CEO of SAB Marketing Connections.

During your career, you have received numerous awards and recognitions for his contributions to the advertising industry.

April, 16 2023


por Mauricio Sabogal

Desde que Mark Zuckerberg anunció el cambio de nombre de su empresa de Facebook a Meta y presentó su visión evolucionada, se hizo popular el concepto de Metaverso y como siempre, los competidores y los versados en el tema salieron a dar su propia definición de lo que esta palabra significa. Desde los más visionarios y audaces que vislumbran un universo digital paralelo en el no se podrá distinguir si se interactúa con alguien/algo real o virtual, incluyendo la forma como vives, los bienes que adquieres e incluso tus amigos; hasta los mas escépticos que solo llegan a decir que el Metaverso no es nada mas que las aplicaciones de video-conferencias, los videojuegos, las aplicaciones en 3D y las compras en línea.

Yo pertenezco a los primeros, es decir a los que sí creen en que en algunos años tendremos ese mundo paralelo sin distinción entre lo real y lo virtual y en mi empresa SAB Marketing Connections nos estamos preparando para ello.

Palabras como Metaverso, mundos virtuales, NFT, Blockchain, Crypto monedas y muchas otras se han vuelto cotidianas en nuestras conversaciones virtuales, durante el Covid-19 y más reales ahora que volvimos a reunirnos físicamente. Hoy voy a tratar de explicar el Metaverso en palabras simples y lo que podemos ir haciendo para beneficiarnos rápidamente de estos grandes cambios.

El Metaverso es un espacio de realidad virtual en el que los usuarios pueden interactuar con un entorno generado por un ordenador y con otros usuarios. También, puede describirse como una red de mundos virtuales en 3D centrados en la conexión social. A menudo, el metaverso se describe como una iteración hipotética de Internet como un mundo virtual único y universal que se ve facilitado por el uso de dispositivos de realidad virtual y aumentada.

En pocas palabras, el metaverso es un conjunto de espacios virtuales donde puedes crear y explorar con otras personas que no están en el mismo espacio físico que tú, pero seguramente en un futuro y a la velocidad que avanza la tecnología, podrás interactuar con “personas/hologramas/mentes” virtuales creadas por un programa y con una inteligencia igual o superior a la del ser humano, que ahora llamamos Inteligencia Artificial (AI) . En muchos sentidos, Microsoft Teams o Zoom ya son una forma de metaverso. El metaverso es la fusión perfecta entre el mundo real y el virtual, en el que no te darás cuenta si estás dentro o fuera de él, tiende un puente entre nuestras aplicaciones 2D y las experiencias virtuales.

Hace poco le preguntaban a un niño de 8 años sobre lo que comió durante las 4 horas que pasó frente a un video juego (o escuchando a un youtuber desconocido narrando parte del video juego) y el niño respondió: “En el mundo real comí cereal y en el video juego comí diamantes”) Claramente este niño ya interactúa en los dos mundos y acompaña su mamá al mercado para comprar cereal, quien aún paga con tarjeta de crédito y a la vez ya compra “diamantes” con una cripto moneda la cual le enseñó a manejar otro amigo de la misma edad,

El metaverso es el sucesor del Internet móvil. Y al igual que el marketing digital se ha adaptado al móvil. Muchas de las habilidades que se están utilizando hoy para hacer crecer su negocio se aplicarán en el metaverso, así que las posibilidades son infinitas: se puede asociar con creadores para dar vida a su marca, o crear productos o servicios digitales para complementarla; se pueden crear nuevos canales de venta y productos solo para ser usados en este nuevo universo paralelo. El metaverso ofrece oportunidades de negocio para todos, es cuestión de dejar volar su imaginación y creatividad.

El Metaverso libera un potencial creativo que antes no era posible. ¿Qué significa esto para nuestros negocios? Pues bien, significa que podemos mejorar la experiencia del cliente en el comercio electrónico y crear nuevos modelos de negocio, pero también implica que gigantes digitales como Facebook, Google y Microsoft, puedan hacer un seguimiento sobre nuestros datos aún mas detallado de lo que lo hacen hoy en día, lo que en pocas palabras, quiere decir menos privacidad.

Por otra parte uno de los grandes problemas es que ya no vas a distinguir entre un video grabado por una persona y uno grabado por un holograma creado por Inteligencia Artificial, así que el criterio para informarse únicamente por fuentes creíbles y responsables es cada vez mas importante. Recordemos que ninguna de las redes sociales son fuentes de información, sino plataformas que le permiten al usuario publicar lo que él quiera, así como frases como “.... Facebook dice…., En Google leí que… o la opinión de Twitter… no son correctas, ya que estas plataformas no dicen, ni escriben ni dan opinión, solo están ahí para que miles de personas lo hagan directamente o a través de Inteligencias Artificiales que podrían confundir al usuario.

Mauricio Sabogal - Global CEO │ Marketing and Communications Executive Global Advertising │ Digital Evolution │ Global and Regional Network Operations│Fundador y CEO de SAB Marketing Connections


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